In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Audit of Financial Statements and Auditing Activities", ERGOPACK LLC held a tender for the selection of an audit entity that will provide statutory audit services for the annual financial statements for 2023.
Three audit companies were admitted to participate in the tender: Lucas Audit LLC, H.L.B. Ukraine LLC, and Kreston Ukraine LLC. As a result of consideration of the tender proposals and evaluation according to all selection criteria, H.L.B. Ukraine LLC, which operates in the audit services market in Ukraine and has the right to conduct the statutory audit of financial statements of enterprises of public interest, was selected and appointed as the auditor to provide services for the statutory audit of the Company's financial statements prepared in accordance with the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023.
We thank all participants for their participation and look forward to further fruitful cooperation!