on holding a tender for the selection of audit entities that may be appointed to provide services for the statutory audit of the financial statements
ERGOPACK LLC announces a tender for the selection of audit entities that may be appointed to provide services for the statutory audit of the financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as of December 31, 2024, for the period from January 01, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
The tender is held in accordance with the Procedure for conducting a tender for the selection of audit entities that may be appointed to provide services for the statutory audit of the financial statements of “ERGOPACK” LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, published on the Company's website
The purpose of the tender is to select on a competitive basis the audit entity/s to conduct the statutory audit of the financial statements of ERGOPACK LLC for 2024
The tender is open to audit entities that meet the requirements established by the Law of Ukraine “On the Audit of Financial Statements and Auditing Activities”, which can provide services for the statutory audit of financial statements of enterprises of public interest, information about which is included in the relevant section of the Register and which have no restrictions related to the duration of the provision of services to ERGOPACK LLC, and also meet the selection criteria set out in the Tender Documents posted on the Company's website
Audit entities that are not allowed to participate in the tender:
Assignment on the statutory audit of the financial statements of ERGOPAK LLC for 2024:
- mandatory audit of the financial statements for 2024 with the provision of an audit report (independent auditor's report) prepared in accordance with International Standards on Auditing;
- expressing an independent auditor's opinion on whether the financial statements of the Company for the period 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024 present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of 31.12.2024, its financial performance, cash flows for the year and special-purpose statements. The conceptual framework used by the Company in the preparation of the financial statements is the conceptual framework for general purpose and fair presentation in accordance with IFRS.
To participate in the tender, participants shall submit documents according to the list specified in clause 7.1 of the Tender Documents posted on the Company's website
The start date of the Tender is May 24, 2024 from 9:00.
The deadline for submission of bids is May 30, 2024 by 18-00.
The documents for participation in the Competition shall be submitted by the audit entities in person or sent in a sealed envelope marked “For the competition for the selection of auditors” to the following address: 36 Sobornosti St., Boyarka, Kyiv region, Fastiv district, 08150 (the envelope should contain the tender offer and documents (copies of documents) with their description) or sent electronically to the e-mail address
Copies of the documents submitted as part of the documents for participation in the tender must be duly certified.
Contact person: Member of the Audit Committee Hanna Petrovska, tel.: +38 063 343 2404, e-mail:
Financial statements and other public information about ERGOPACK LLC are available on the website
Additional information about the activities of ERGOPACK LLC may be provided if necessary and in accordance with the request of the participant.
The results of the competition will be announced to all participants by e-mail, as well as by posting information on the results of the competition on the official website of ERGOPACK LLC.
Audit Committee